What to Expect

What to expect

You can expect a friendly greeting as you enter and the opportunity to share your contact information with us.  
​We also have a gift for you when you come for the first visit.

You will enter the auditorium where comfortable chairs face the stage. Sit wherever you like or allow an usher to assist you in finding a suitable place.  We sing and pray together as we believe the Worship experience is something everyone can enjoy. Though we will receive an offering we never expect our guests to participate. We view our giving as a part of our worship and this brings focus to our thankfulness for God's provision.

A Bible message by Pastor Hall is featured in each Sunday Worship celebration. This message will be followed by an opportunity to pray, to reflect, and to commit our hearts to God.  There is never any pressure to respond and it is always your choice when you wish to participate.

The entire worship experience is usually about an hour and a half. Nursery care is provided for the tiny tots that find this amount of time a little lengthy. Please let us know of any concerns or questions you may have. We are here to help you find a more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ!